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02.03 | 15:45

Very late on a review praising these products. Been a customer for over 2 1/2 years. I can only comfortably use the pantiliners from this site for my vulva, bladder, pelvic floor issues. So healing!

09.12 | 18:06

I am so happy with the products that I have purchased to help with this horrible condition.
You are helping us all with managing IC and making the bad days more tolerable. So pleased!!

03.12 | 16:11

I don't know how I would survive without your products! The fire crotch balm is so convenient, but I would love a smaller size that would carry well in a purse.

17.07 | 20:45

What a great website with amazing products! I am so excited to have found you! Thank you for the extra goodies you’ve included with my orders! So fun and great service!

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